~ Since 1986 ~

Custom Lawn Care, Saskatoon's longest running lawn care service.

A healthy lawn is a beautiful lawn, and our fertilization and care programs will help keep your lawn at its greenest!

Our Services

Our 8 Step Program remains the best value in Saskatoon. The program includes unlimited service calls for the thickest, greenest lawn guaranteed! We recommend core aerating your lawn every year if you have heavy soil or traffic on your lawn. We also suggest power raking your lawn annually if you have a heavy thatch layer on your lawn.

8 Step Program

Our foundation for a great lawn. Four applications of complete, balanced fertilizer, micronutrients and weed control formulated to meet your lawn's seasonal requirement.

Core Aeration

Opens up the thatch, relieves compaction and allows fertilizer, air and water to penetrate the roots

Power Raking

Removes excessive thatch, helps prevent insect and disease problems and allows air, water and nutrients to reach the root zone

Basic Basic+ Premium

8 Step Program

Core Aeration

Power Raking

Sign Up Sign Up Sign Up

Sign Up

Final pricing is determined by your lot size. Following receipt of your sign up request we will schedule an appointment to measure your lot in order to provide you finalized pricing.

Custom Lawn Care Signup

1) Contact Info
2) Additional Details
3) Terms & Conditions
1) Please note customer must notify Custom Lawn Care if they will be away or moving and do not want services completed during their absence.
2) If contact is requested prior to service and customer cannot be reached after three (3) documented phone calls, the service will not be completed. No refunds will be given.
3) The customer agrees to ensure lawn is free of debris, toys, pet droppings and any other obstacles that may hinder Custom Lawn Care from performing the required service. All underground sprinklers must be marked before Custom Lawn Care will perform power raking and core aeration services.
4) Due to repeat service disruptions, Custom Lawn Care reserves the right to charge a $25.00 fee if we are unable to perform a prearranged service. Customer must ensure that yard is accessible and free of debris prior to Custom Lawn Care arriving onsite.
5) Please note Custom Lawn Care cannot guarantee a certain time of day for service. We will provide you with a two day window for all service, weather pending.
6) This contract is a legally binding agreement. Please note all NSF cheques are subject to a $35.00 charge.
7) If any service is credited to the following year it can be used only for service indicated, no cash refunds after year of purchase.

Tip Sheets

Making your lawn beautiful is only half the battle, keeping it beautiful takes some work. We've put together some tip sheets to make it a bit easier for you.


Questions about our services? We're happy to help! Call or email us to get started on your better lawn today!

(306) 382-6155  •  4infoREMOVE_THIS@customlawncareREMOVE_THIS.ca

CLC Booking Form

CLC Booking Form